Monday, January 30, 2012

naturally beautiful walls

n a t u r a l l y  b e a u t i f u l   w a l l s !

american earth clay plasters are a natural, environmental way to finish any interior.  non-toxic and made in the usa, these plasters are an alternative to paint, wallpaper, cement, acrylic and gypsum based plasters.     take a peek...

i have been seeing these beautiful walls all over the pages of my favorite design magazines + design blogs.  i have always considered this kind of plaster as very tuscan style (which is not my style).  i have new inspiration now.  taking an ancient art and making it look fresh and modern. oh ya... here is an example of plaster i love right now!!!!
b l a c k !

this weekend i took an awesome class on "how to" mix, and apply american clay with Heith Enlgand from sustain interiors- a local source for eco-friendly interior finish product.  + i have been working a little bit with consulting for them on interior styling.  please take time to visit the showroom... tell them jessica sent you!  if you need help editing through all the materials, choosing a fresh color palette, and bringing it all together beautifully-- contact me.  XO  jessica

Sustain Eco-Interiors + Design
206 State Street
Hood River,  Oregon

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

H E A V Y rain.

with H E A V Y rain comes the responsibility to find creative things to do inside. 
what i decided to do was paint one of our interior walls with chalboard paint so that we can have our own custom in house photo studio.   our props today are these two reclaimed chairs, our new black wall, fresh chalk + imagination.

here is a look at what we did today!  LOVE it. 
my kids are RAD.  they love creating art as much as i do. 
photos taken with iphone. 

rio rocket age 5

ayva sunshine age 10
creative director for the entire stripe concept!  wow.  she wanted the wall to match her dress.  flippin' cute.

paint under $20, chalk $1
priceless and endless fun

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

my birthday delight.

my dear friend Sarah Morton-Erasmus is a talented metalsmith.  she is amazing beyond belief.  she hand crafted me this pair of sterling silver + copper "chevron" earrings for my birthday. i adore them. 

i LOVE chevron pattern... sarah knows this. 
i treasure this gift - as i do our friendship. 
i love you sarah.  thank you. 

you can find sarah's work @:
The Real Mother Goose
Silverado in Bend

watch for new work!
here: M E Jewelry  'like' her fb page and watch for her new collection coming soon. 

sarah + her darling south african husband christiaan have opened an amazing restuarant for you to visit as well... hennis kitchen and bar .

sarah morton-erasmus

jess + sarah in pdx

jess + sarah @ bluehour PDX
look at those earrings sarah has on... sooo RAD
she made them-- you know you want a pair!! 
